everything you need to know about the Ophelia Livestream

What is Ophelia?

A new musical based on the story of Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
The book, lyrics, and music is by Jeremiah Gibbons. The arrangement is by Andrew Levin. The vocal arrangement is by Madison Payne. The scenes are directed by Mallory Vance and the music is directed by Madison Payne.

When is it?

The live premiere will be on March 25th 2020. The link to the show will then be live for ticket holders to watch or rewatch for a week.
This show will premiere at 8pm EST. We will start with “doors” opening at 7:30pm EST with cast members in the chat

Is this the full production?

This is a staged reading meaning cast members are at music stands saying the lines and singing songs full out but with limited costuming/props and no blocking.

Is this a reading of the whole show?

Yes! This is the entire script as it is now with most of the current songs. A few scenes and songs are omitted because of quality of the recording due to FaceTime lag. The fun thing is this is a workshop piece we are hoping for feedback on so December’s full production will look a little different.

How much does it cost?

Tickets via TicketLeap are $5. This gets you access to the YouTube link for the premiere. We know that this show being online means people could work around the system and share the video without paying. If you did stumble upon the show without buying a ticket we encourage you to donate by buying a ticket or contacting mallory@phoenixtearsproductions.com These tickets and donations will help the December production be the best it can possibly be.

Who’s the cast in this reading?

Ophelia- Amanda Boldt (u/s)
Hamlet- Logan Creasman
Dad- Reid Beier (swing)
Bro- Juan Agudelo (via FaceTime)
Rosemary- Amber Zangari
Pansy- Anisha Brown
Daisy- Megan Markham
Fennel/Columbine/Violet- Madison Payne (swing)
Rue- Alicea Dipillo (via FaceTime)
Stage Direction- Jeremiah Gibbons
Piano Accompaniment- Andrew Levin

Will the cast be the same in December?

Short answer, yes. Everyone who was cast in the reading was cast for a year of this project through the production in December. Due to COVID-19 some members of the cast were unable to be at the reading or FaceTimed in so the full cast is 11 beautiful souls and 2 swings. Much of the cast understudies other roles as you see in this livestream where Amanda Boldt (who is normally our Violet) plays Ophelia. Our music director Madison Payne served as an extra swing during this performance.

How can I help December’s show?

If you buy a ticket to the stream, then you’ve donated to our full production in December where we plan to pay the cast for their time, have full sets, props, and costumes. We will perform December 4 - 13 at Dragonfly Studio 129. Additionally, we have a Patreon where you can support us and help this show and other projects happen. You can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/phoenixtearspr .

We are also currently looking for additional sponsors for December’s show. If you would like more information you can email mallory@phoenixtearsproductions.com.

We’d like to thank our livestream sponsor Cloverdale Farm and our patrons over on Patreon Michael, Sarah, Channing, Vex, Thomas Kathleen, & skati. Huge shoutout to the team at Dragonfly Studios for being so supportive of this show.