On this third day of Christmas, the gift we give to you is A silly-beautiful moment of being in the world

"Three French kens-in-a-Venn" is a personal experience of layered interaction on your own time.
Locate yourself within a diagram to unlock one of a handful of immersive 'tiny plays' to perform for yourself.

Locate yourself within the Venn diagram, then email theatretia@gmail.com with your corresponding letter!

You: "I am MANY BAGUETTES, so I shall email theatretia@gmail.com and tell her my letter is B!" <you do this> 
Tia: <emails you the tiny play that goes with letter B>. 
You and Tia both: <delight!>

If you wish to find out more about Tia Shearer Bassett and Flapjack Theatrics and their work, you can find them here: 
